Archive for swimming

TTD – The Olympics

Posted in 2012 with tags , , , , , , on July 30, 2012 by Kristen

Howdy, friends (Howdy? Where did that come from? Is Texas finally rubbing off on me?)! It’s that time again…Tiny Thought for the Day time! Have you missed them? Good, me too. Anyway! I give you today’s TTD:

Like most of you, I really love the Olympics. Something that can make me actually care about sports every two years is pretty phenomenal in my book. But after seeing that commercial (narrated by the ubiquitous Morgan Freeman) about how, in 2008, a millisecond was the difference  between Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals instead of just 7, and after watching Jordyn Wieber lose a spot in the All-Around competition for virtually no other reason than because her heel slipped out of bounds on the floor exercise, I had to admit that there’s something deeply terrifying about the Olympics. Where else can a minor slip of a foot, a misplaced hand, a single millisecond determine the difference between lifelong glory and pulverized dreams? I admire those who are willing to put themselves under such a crazy amount of pressure, but I’ll take my low stakes and wide margin for error, thank you very much.